UFOs and airplane pilots

The NARCAP is a center for airplane pilots and flight controllers who want to tell their sightings in total privacy. Many pilots are worried about their career and they fear being ridiculed if reporting UFO sightings. If a pilot sees something in flight that he isn’t able to identify, it could be understood like an inadequate qualification and a sign of unreliability. In this regard there are many facts and experiences that have led to the end of the aviation career of many pilots, both civil and military.

   In the following movie we want to mention the experience of the Japanese pilot Captain Kenju Terauchi who was piloting a 747 cargo of Japan Air Lines that from Reykjavík headed to Tokyo. His airplane was followed by a huge UFO for 55 minutes and 560 kilometers. Such an object was seen by the pilot, the co-pilot and by the Anchorage flight controller who located it on the radar. Also the pilots of a United Airline airliner, passing through that area, reported the presence of an unidentified flying object.

Please, see the following video that documents this UFO sightin: Video Youtube


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